Appendix D: Sales and Solicitations

Sales and solicitations may be conducted on campus by an officially registered or recognized student organization. 校外的慈善, 非营利性, and commercial enterprises offer programming opportunities that often include sales. Such programs may be brought onto campus under the sponsorship of a registered or recognized student organization. All sales and solicitations must comply with University regulations and policies, 以及当地的, bc菠菜导航, and federal laws and ordinances.

Sales or solicitations in residence halls must be approved by 住宅生活.

Sales or solicitations conducted anywhere on campus except in the residence halls must be approved by 学生活动 and Organizations. 除了, use of a facility for the purpose of sales or solicitations must be approved by the person charged with primary responsibility for use of that facility. (Names of such persons are available in 学生活动 and Organizations.)

Individual students who wish to sell or solicit on campus may do so by renting space in the Hulman Memorial Student Union or by conducting the sale in the privacy of their own residence hall rooms or University Apartments residence, provided such sales have been specifically approved in accordance with the 住宅生活 guidelines.


Student Conduct and Integrity
Hulman Memorial Student Union